Connecting Hands and Heart

31 Jan

Passionate about your living your best life in holistic wellness? Massage is an integral part of that continuing wellness to create an open state of flow and vitality. Let a therapeutic massage help You connect to your optimal state. Create your masterpiece this year!

The heart has its own complex nervous system. Electromagnetic fields form around the heart up to 15 feet from the body. Research by has shown our Human Resonant Frequency is 0.1 Hz when we are in alignment with our spirits, heart, mind, emotions, and body systems. Healing thrives in this environment of coherence. Resetting your system from the flight-or-flight mode, a stressful response, through a Heart-Focused Massage can help create a coherent pattern. Coherence, in any system, is a state of efficiency in which everything works together in an orderly and synergistic manner. Therapeutic Massage can help engage the power of the heart and effectively add to the resiliency and responsiveness in everyday life, rather than “subtracting” from our vitality by staying in a state of stress. As a result, stress hormones are reduced and the anti-aging hormone DHEA is produced.


Before each therapy session, I align my body, mind and spirit to bring balance for each therapy session to come from the heart to aid in the healing process for you. There are measurable benefits from committing to a practice of regular massage sessions to contribute to an open state of flow and vitality through heart-focused breathing and body awareness. Many times one is not even aware of the blockages held in the body until you are on a massage table. Massage it a great tool to open you to more positive possibilities in life. Showing Love and Appreciation for our bodies in this way supports our vehicles which carry us throughout life.

Many Blessings, Tausha Luttrell PDMT

Bringing you quality experiences for 15 years

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